Sunday, April 26, 2009

I have noticed (since I anticipate 7am every morning) that there is a train that will idle on the tracks behind work and does not move for about 45 minutes. Until 7am when I am walking out the door and it begins to accelerate towards the north and the crossing that I have to pass in order to go home. Sure enough by the time I get in my car and drive out of the parking lot I end up waiting for the train as it slowly accelerates towards its destination. What I wonder is this- does the engineer wait until he sees me walk out the door to begin his slow meandering? It is the reason I find myself comparing my life to waiting at the railroad crossing since it happens on a daily basis. Since I spend all night just sitting in front of a computer that has no internet access, and sadly no games I am veritably salivating for freedom by 5am... Luckily I am able to watch dvd's on the work sanctioned television but for security reasons they have banned laptops, portable dvd players and my blackberry. Although I am not sure how my blackberry can be a threat I abide by the rules even though I just recently learned how to write a blog on it and post it from the phone. Meh. But I do read fashion magazines all night and Vogue has helped to fill the void that my Simpsons game on my phone used to. May be time to bring some crosswords to work... But no sudoku since it is too much like math.

1 comment:

  1. Kelli-san,

    It is better to wait for the train than to be run over and squashed like a bug by it.

    - Confucious Nanny Goats

    p.s. welcome to the blogosphere.
